
ArcelorMittal-Liberia Commits to Health and Safety as Phase-II Expansion Progresses

“Health and safety must therefore always come first in our decisions and actions, from the board room to the shop floor. This is non-negotiable,” Mr. Mittal

Liberia: – ArcelorMittal-Liberia has listed Health and Safety as a non-negotiable priority for the company’s mining and logistics operations.

The global steel giant declared that moving forward, health and safety at all its operations sites are key amongst its core values not just in Liberia but around the world.

This new commitment comes as the company progresses with its Phase-II Expansion plan which encompasses mining and logistics as well as new investments in processing, port, rail, and job creation.

In an official comment amid the launch of a new policy on Health and Safety, ArcelorMittal’s Chief Executive Officer, Aditya Mittal said the objective is to make sure that every staff goes home healthy and safely, each day.

“Health and safety must therefore always come first in our decisions and actions, from the board room to the shop floor. This is non-negotiable,” Mr. Mittal

He emphasized that strong health & safety performance leads to improved operational performance and brings people together, increasing trust, and directly links to better operational reliability, quality, and cost performance.

Aditya Mittal is of the belief that strong focus on health and safety at all its workplaces would not only keep people safe, but leads to a healthier, and more sustainable business.

ArcelorMittal, he said would work to ensure every occupational illness and accidents are preventable when health & safety excellence is driven by a workplace which amongst other things requires the presence of visible, effective leadership that foster a supportive and empowering team culture, decision-making process that is care and accounts for potential health & safety impact, as well as an effective management system that drives continuous improvement.

As part of the new Health Policy, Mittal named proper design of equipment and facilities, maintained in good condition and preventive controls and safe behaviors from all at all levels of the organization, as

factors for excellence in achieving the health and safety objectives.

“I am confident that with all your support and hard work, everyone can go home healthy and safely every day,” the CEO also said.

With the new health & safety policy, ArcelorMittal commits that all injuries and work-related illness can and must be prevented, while management will remain accountable for health & safety performance, employee engagement and training is essential, and working safely is a condition of employment.

The company further commits that Health & safety must be integrated into all business management processes as excellence in health & safety also drives excellence in business results.

To achieve the new health and safety policy, the company is urging its leaders to be visible health & safety champions.

It wants senior, middle, and low-level managers to consistently set high standards, inspect the presence and effectiveness of controls, undertake high quality shop floor interactions, and address potential health & safety impacts in all decisions, as well as foster a caring, supportive, and empowering culture on the shopfloor, among others.
