

Inland 1

Central Saclepea, Nimba County Liberia: – Late last year, Nimba D-9 TV Founder/CEO/Public Health Reporter Amb Edmund Walakewon Gbarwee got a WhatsApp video called from a brother and he said, “Is this Nimba D-9 TV? I and my family are one of your fans here in the United States of America and we are extremely grateful for all the work you and your team are doing across hard to reach rural communities in Liberia mainly in Nimba and other parts adjacent. Well, I am Shadrach Gaye Nimely from the South East part of Liberia West Africa but grew up with my Grandma in Saclepea Nimba County and left Liberia since and living in the USA with my beautiful wife who is an American that you will speak to shortly including our kids.

Completed Facility at Central Saclepea Liberia Inland Church

Well, you have always stressed about rural community development on your platform, though we don’t know you but we will like you do an assessment at the Central Saclepea Inland Church where I grew up with my Grandma Mary Yohn in telling us what we can do as family in helping the church”.

Though this was not the first time for Nimba D-9 TV to bridge families and personalities with their people and communities back home and across the globe, but we were excited because it was a task in serving the almighty God and his people.

Our volunteers (Peter Barloun, Happy Duo and Amb Edmund Walakewon Gbarwee) immediately went over to Saclepea all by themselves and had service with the church and after regular service conducted this interview with link below with the Senior Pastor of the Church Rev. Edward Tuah.

Watch the link kindly for details:

Mr/Mrs. Gaye Nimely were very impressed to know that we went over in having a need assessments which gave birth to knowing that sanitation was the biggest issue at the church amongst other competing problems.

He and his family, than asked us to work with the church not telling them anything of this arrangement as way of budgeting.

We did and the church submitted a bill which we forward to them in the USA.

Early this year, Mr/Mrs Gaye Nimely told us they have sent USD$500 for Nimba D-9 TV to present to the church for the construction of their bathroom/washroom as way of helping to solve the sanitation issue.

A team of volunteers (Giftee W. Boalsah, Mellish Gbor and Amb Edmund Walakewon Gbarwee) travelled to Saclepea and presented the funds this time on behalf of Mr/Mrs. Gaye Nimely and the Yohn family.

Below is the link of the presentation at the church in Saclepea, please watch for details:

Completed Facility at Central Saclepea Liberia Inland Church

After the presentation, the team went to the church to see progress being made by the church and below is the link please watch for details:

Today, July 17, 2022,

The Project Director at the church send Nimba D-9 TV the text message below, “The work is complete now my brother” Stewart L. Sayekeah

We are very grateful to Mr/Mrs. Shadrach Gaye Nimely for imposing trust and confidence in The One Nimba House Media Inc which owns and operates Nimba D-9 TV including other businesses in serving.

Thanks equally to the Project Director Mr. Stewart L Sayekeah including the church leadership in making this possible.

As you may be aware, Sanitation is very important for us as people and community and below is one of the key goals.

One key goal of sanitation is to safely reduce human exposure to pathogens. Pathogens are excreted by infected individuals and if not properly contained or treated, may present a risk to humans who come in contact with them.

We are happy as team that our services are being seen far and near and is producing impactful and purposeful results.

Keep following The One Nimba House Media Inc which owns and operates Nimba D-9 TV including other businesses for more development.

We are your One Stop Shop for all Your Professional Services.

Photo credit: Stewart L. Sayekeah

Compiled/Posted by: Amb Edmund Walakewon Gbarwee

Nimba D-9 TV

Public Health Reporter


WhatsApp: +231778070604
