Gompa, Nimba County Liberia: – According to World Health Organization (WHO) on Liberia Ministry of Agriculture National Food Security and Nutritional Strategy (FSNS) published 2008 stressed that the key objectives of the FSNS are to make certain that all Liberians have reliable access to the food they need and are able to utilize that food to live active and healthy lives. As such, ensuring food security and good nutrition is not a policy choice of government that it can decide to accept or reject, but a right of the citizens of Liberia which the government is obligated to respect, promote, and protect. Although the strategy encompasses the food security and nutritional needs of all Liberians, it prioritizes the needs of food insecure and nutritionally vulnerable groups in society, including the elderly who have little support, female-headed households, orphans, and HIV-affected households. In addressing the needs of nutritionally vulnerable households and in working to safeguard the food security and good nutritional status of others, two demographic groups are targeted – infants and children under 5 years of age and pregnant and lactating women. The period from conception through the first two years of life is crucial in terms of food security and nutrition, as growth failure in a child during this period cannot be fully corrected later in life. Consequently, the central outcome measures of whether this strategy can be judged successful are those that establish whether the food and nutritional needs of young children in Liberia are being met. If these needs are satisfied, prospects are good that all Liberians will be properly nourished and food secure.
Though the government of Liberia is doing all it can in her budget thereto in providing means for all Liberians to be food sufficient, but the gap is still too far from achieving its goals.
Based on this including other key reasons, The Chief Executive Officer of the Rural Sustainable Agriculture Development Initiative (RSADI) Amos W. Konah is calling on the Ministry of Agriculture, Humanitarian Organizations and NGOs that are involve into agricultural activities to come to their aid.
Speaking to Nimba D-9 TV, he lamented that his organization is into many agricultural activities but lacks the necessary faming tools to work with. Though he did not clearly mention the different components of activities thereto.
According to him, his current farm covers about twenty (20) acres of swarm land.
Mr. Konah named the lacked of Power tailor, Rain Boots, Hand Gloves, Cutlasses and finance to manage the farm.
“We need many materials to enable us maintain this farm, the farm is very large, we need some financial assistance, we need Power tailor , Rain Boots and many other materials that are used for agricultural activities. I’m therefore calling on the Government, especially the Ministry of Agriculture and other NGOs to help us” Mr Konah appeals.
In addition to the farm land, The Rural Sustainable Agriculture Development Initiative is also engaged into the fish farming and Animal Husbandry.
The farm is located in Gompa City, Nimba County in the Konahville community.
Reported by: Nyah Flomo Jr
Nimba D-9 TV, Regional Coordinator