

“This is the first time ever for us to have received our medication including gifts and to be treated as human beings too today. Many times our friends and relatives don’t want to come around us because of our situation, but for you people to come to us with different types of gifts and even hugging and taking photos with us makes us feel good” the beneficiaries spokespersons said.

Boyee, Nimba County Liberia: – Epilepsy is a chronic non- communicable disease of the brain that affects people of all ages.

Edmund C. Gbarwee and team on the way to Boyee via Nimba County Electoral District Six

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy, making it one of the most common neurological diseases globally. Nearly 80% of people with epilepsy live in low- and middle-income countries.

Epilepsy can start at any age, but usually starts either in childhood or in people over 60.

In May 2017, Dr. Collins Bowah, former Nimba County Health Officer (NCHO), raised the alarm over what he calls “prevalence” in Nimba County of this disease when the Ministry of Health provided four (4) months treatment for patients.

Quite astonishingly, data collected at Boyee Clinic, Yarwin Mehnsonnoh Statutory District, Nimba County shows that 80 patients (38males & 42-females) between the ages of six to sixty-five years are suffering from the disease.

Unverified information suggests there may be more than 300 people living with Epilepsy in that part of Nimba County.

Chairperson Antonette Lapue Weh-Johnson and Famantta kanneh posed with some of their friends at Boyee Clinic

Many of them either have no access to treatment center or cannot juts afford cost for treatment since the medication itself is so expensive and hard to find. 

In early July 2022, Edmund C. Gbarwee a Public Health Practitioner, Founder/CEO of The One Nimba House Media Inc (Nimba D-9 TV) & Regional Coordinator at Africa Development Management Associates (ADMA)  in collaboration with Ministry of Health (Boyee Clinic),Nimba County Health Team (NCHT),The District Health Team(DHT), Offices of  Nimba County Electoral District Nine Representative, Rev. Samuel B. Gbarwee Leadership Empowerment Team Liberia (SAMBLET-Liberia), Women Empowerment Forum Liberia (Women-Liberia),Liberia Research Development Networks(LRDN) including some Goodwill Health Ambassadors launched a campaign to combat and help minimize the disease.

Emmanuel Hurris on the go to serve

On August 29, 2022, a team of volunteers chaired by Miss Antoinette Lapue Weh-Johnson, co-chaired by Willie Bee Tingba Jr and supervised by Edmund C. Gbarwee including other consultants and GoodWill Ambassadors launched the Campaign at Boyee Clinic and Zekepa Health Center respectively.

They have since named the campaign “There is Still Hope as way of Helping to Minimize Epilepsy”. 

In the midst of flooding rivers, poor road networks, this team of volunteers made it over to Boyee Clinic from Monrovia.

They provided medical supplies including Carbamazepine 200mg 3,000 tabs with expiration date at October 2026 and non-medical supplies like clothes, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, slippers, shoes, etc

Speaking at the event in Boyee, Mr. Gbarwee called on all caregivers to see those who suffer from Epilepsy as “one of them”.

Edmund C. Gbarwee serving one of the patients

He urged health workers to “treat them well” equally told community dwellers to avoid “stigmatization”.

Madame Beatrice C. Gbarwee and one of the patients at Boyee Clinic

Mr. Gbarwee furthered stressed, “This disease is not communicable and caregivers and community dwellers need to help the patients whenever they have seizure by putting them in a safe position”

Brooks G. Meleh, Officer in Charge (OIC) of Boyee Clinic extended thanks and appreciation to the team and stressed the need for other well-meaning Liberians to see this initiative as one of those of urgent concern. Seizure comes at anytime and anywhere so the medication is very important to help lower the risk. We are again extremely grateful and praying that the government and partners see this as a worth community initiative to get involve.

Some patients receiving their medical and non-medical supplies

But OIC Meleh said he is concerned about the aftermath of the 30 days treatment given patients by the team.

“Our concern now is, after the 30 days treatment provided; we pray to have support from this team again as we await the government or other partners to come in because the medication is very expensive”.

Prof. Johnson N. Gwaikolo, Representative of the district who equally contributed to the initiative thanked the team and encouraged members to keep serving their communities.

“To think about your fellow citizens who are not well is something very commendable and we are with you”.The health of our citizens is very important to us and we will do all we can collectively to have this issue brought forth for a sustainable solution. You have activated the courage to keep reaching out as we have done in time past. The fact that, you have the will there is certainly going to be a way.

A male and female who spoke on behalf of those suffering from Epilepsy extended their thanks and appreciation to the team for putting smiles on their faces.

Some patients at Zekepa Health Center with other volunteers and service providers

“This is the first time ever for us to have received our medication including gifts and to be treated as human beings too today. Many times our friends and relatives don’t want to come around us because of our situation, but for you people to come to us with different types of gifts and even hugging and taking photos with us makes us feel good” the beneficiaries spokespersons said.

Another patient said she would pray for this to continue “and for God to help all those who contributed daily”

Famatta Kanneh supplied one of the patients

“Wherever you people took these materials and monies from, may God increase them”. 

Women Empowerment Forum Liberia Days for Girls Menstrual Hygiene Pads

One the other hand, Women Empowerment Forum Liberia provided 35 sets of Days for Girl Sanitory pads(Menstrual Hygiene management items) for the female patients while Liberia Research Development Networks provided some teaching materials that we donated to some schools in Zehnla and Blinlon through the District Education Officer(DEO). SAMBLET-Liberia also provided one grass cutter for community service follow by the word of God.

Community Service

What is yet to be investigated is, why is it that this belt has a prevalence of this disease Epilepsy. Blinlon is bordering Grand Bassa and Rivercess Counties but Epilepsy is prevalence with higher frequent. The team is ready and prepare to get involve with a research work that will unearth the why Epilepsy is prevalence in that part of Nimba County Liberia West Africa as way of finding solutions to the problem.

The team has to use the route of Nimba County Electoral District Six to get to Boyee Clinic because of flooding

Allow us to name those who contributed in cash or kind as way of helping to minimize epilepsy under the theme: THERE IS STILL HOPE:

  • Edmund C. Gbarwee & family
  • Prof. Hon. Johnson N. Gwaikolo
  • Nash Washington Donoklo
  • Aaron Gailah Kwia
  • Dr. Cozie Gwaikolo
  • Her Majesty UNICCO Queen Irene Karbah
  • Pharmacist Joseph Saye Quoi
  • Antonette Lapue Weh-Johnson
  • Willie Bee Tingba Jr
  • UNICCO President Dahn K. Dennis
  • Nya Mehosee (Gus Johnson)
  • Lawrence Tuopleyee
  • Bill Yelegar
  • Madame Beatrice C. Gbarwee
  • Dr. Quayekeh Yeowah
  • Dr. Somo Hubbard Barsir
  • Madame Yah Gbunblee Tongor
  • Mr/Mrs. Paul Gailah
  • Madame Laura Bee Kiekpo
  • Famatta Kanneh
  • Patrick Waylor
  • Wremongar Blojay Joe
  • Fred Yeegbeh Jr
  • Pastor Peter S. Y. Neahn
  • Emmanuel Harris
  • David Adolphus
  • Maryrose Jacob
  • Solomon P. Gbarwee
  • Sandra Sehsee Gbarwee
  • Samantha Gbarwee Dolo
  • Helena Weh-Johnson
  • Brooks G. Meleh
  • Emphrian Ben
  • Elijah Kaigo Gbarwee
  • Philemon Gbarwee
  • Roosevelt Yalue
  • Enoch Garpiea
  • Sylvester Wleh
  • Naomi Sendor
  • Paul Jallah
  • Rose Thomas
  • Mamie Kwaibiah
  • John S. M. Yormie Jr one and all

Once again the team is very grateful for the above personalities who came in to volunteer as getting this going. Let’s keep sending your support to either by cash or kind to the Chairperson of the Campaign Madame Antonette Lapue Weh-Johnson on +231886481132

By: Patrick Waylor
