
Citizens of Zuolay Nimba County Residing in the Diaspora Embarks on USD$140,000 22 Bed-Rooms Clinic Project

According to Executive Director Ben Dahn, the clinic when completed will be the second clinic in Zuolay and it will serve Zuolay and its surrounding towns. He furthered told Nimba D-9 TV that, Doe Administrative District has about 16 towns but with three (3) clinics. “The existing clinic we have is not up to capacity enough to accommodate all of our people that’s why we are constructing a 22 bed rooms clinic for our people. The actual construction work will be completed by the end of 2024.

By: Mellish Gbor/Nimba D-9 TV/Regional Coordinator

Edited & posted by: Edmund C. Gbarwee/Email: / +231778070604

Zuolay, Nimba County Liberia: – Communities that are attentive to public health can even reduce inequality among their residents. “[Community health] also helps to reduce health gaps caused by differences in race and ethnicity, location, social status, income and other factors that can affect health,” reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Based on the above report from CDC including many other reasons, citizens of Zuolay Town, Doe Administrative District residing in the diaspora under the banner: Zuolay Development Association (ZDA) currently led Executive Director Ben Dahn have embark on the construction of a 22-bed rooms clinic with an estimated cost of USD$140,000 and to be named when completed as “Zuolay Clinic”.

According to Executive Director Ben Dahn, the clinic when completed will be the second clinic in Zuolay and it will serve Zuolay and its surrounding towns. He furthered told Nimba D-9 TV that, Doe Administrative District has about 16 towns but with three (3) clinics. “The existing clinic we have is not up to capacity enough to accommodate all of our people that’s why we are constructing a 22 bed rooms clinic for our people. The actual construction work will be completed by the end of 2024.

“This project is solely sponsored by Zuolay citizens and some friends who share the same views with us. The citizens of Zuolay based in America group themselves as an organization named Zuolay Development Association (ZDA) under the Executive Director Ben M. Dahn to undertake with the help of our people in Liberia”.

Nimba D-9 TV paid a one-day visit at the site of the project and spoke with citizens about the project.

Moses Dorwahn Karto, Development Superintendent who provided details about the project praised the citizens and said this project will truly bring health relieve to the citizens as the clinic in Zuolay can no longer serve the population because Zuolay being Doe Administrative District, the population is growing daily.

He stressed furthered that, ZDA has earlier provided street solar lights that is serving the community with lights in the night.

Several Youths, Elders and Women representatives who spoke with Nimba D-9 TV equally praised ZDA members both in the diaspora and Liberia for their endless community self-help developments through which they have solar lights planted across the entire part of the town etc.

Some workers of Zuolay Clinic have given their support and said, the clinic when completed they will apply to work there.

What was not too clear is, if ZDA leadership has reach out to Nimba County Health Team about this project.

It can be recalled that, Nyonkiayee Town located in Mehnsonnoh Administrative District citizens residing in the diaspora equally electrified their town with solar lights making it the first town in Nimba County Electoral District Nine to have done same. They are currently raising funds for animal husbandry project.

The wave of community self-help developments across Nimba County Electoral District Nine if practice by other communities may in the next 10 years see the one time one of the very challenge districts in Nimba be a hub of many urban activities.

Nimba County has 9 Electoral Districts, 19 Administrative Districts and 6 Statutory Districts.

Zuolay is the Administrative District Headquarters of Doe Administrative District, one of the five (5) districts that makeup Nimba County Electoral District Nine with at least 78 towns.

Their current Representative at the 54th Legislature is Prof. Johnson N. Gwaikolo and their current Commissioner is Dee Dee Wehyee.

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